August 10, 2015
Use the Mozenda Web Service Rest API to start a new job for an Agent. Returns the result of the operation and, if the request was successful, the JobID, JobType, and ReportRefreshJobID.
Read MoreAugust 10, 2015
Use the Mozenda Web Service Rest API to start a new job for an Agent. Returns the result of the operation and, if the request was successful, the JobID, JobType, and ReportRefreshJobID.
Read MoreAugust 10, 2015
Returns a list of your agent’s jobs with detailed information. Returns a list of current jobs in the system for this agent in descending order.
Read MoreAugust 10, 2015
Returns a list of Agents and the combined collections they source.
Read MoreAugust 10, 2015
Returns a list of your agents with their ID, Name, Settings, Description, and other important information.
Read MoreAugust 10, 2015
Gets the Agent definition and meta data for an Agent. Returns a response containing the AgentID, Name, CollectionID, Description, Domain, and Definition for an Agent.
Read MoreAugust 10, 2015
Deletes an agent and all associated schedules for that agent. Returns a confirmation message describing whether or not the request was successful.
Read MoreAugust 10, 2015
Adds a new Agent. Cannot be used to overwrite an existing Agent. The existing Agent must be deleted first using the Agent.Delete request. Returns the AgentID and CollectionID for the new Agent if the request was successful.
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