November 16, 2018
Adds a new collection or updates an existing collection of the same name with the fields and data items provided. Accepts same data formats as Collection.AddItem bulk insertion.
Required parameters
CollectionName, Data File (XML) or POST Data (JSON)
The result of the operation including the CollectionID, CollectionName, whether or not a new collection was added, the number of fields added to the collection, and the number of items added to the collection.
Example request url
Example response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <CollectionAddUpdateResponse xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <Result>Success</Result> <CollectionID>1201</CollectionID> <CollectionName>AddUpdateCollectionJSON</CollectionName> <CollectionAdded>True</CollectionAdded> <FieldsAdded>3</FieldsAdded> <ItemsAdded>8</ItemsAdded> </CollectionAddUpdateResponse>